Don’t Risk a Heart Attack – Prevention V’s Cure

Basic First Aid and CPR can save some body’s life. However, isn’t prevention better than cure? I definitely believe Australian men and women need to take better care of their body’s. I am a huge advocate for getting everybody trained in First Aid and CPR should the unfortunate arrive. Is prevention better than cures? The short answer is NO! As Australians we need to take better care of ourselves, having a balanced diet, limiting the amount of alcohol we drink and exercising regularly. I know the last thing I want to be doing is performing CPR on a family member or a work colleague – so come on Australia get healthy, get active – TODAY. The article below highlights some risk factors and some preventative measures we can all take.
As most of hear these warnings and don’t act, remember to get trained in Simple Instruction’s – Apply First Aid or CPR training courses that are coming up on the Northern Beaches on the 16/10/10. Get trained and you may save a life.

State of Aussie men’s health

Many of the chronic (long-term) health problems affecting Australian men are largely preventable. Chronic conditions tend to be caused by a combination of different factors. Some of these factors are out of your control (your genes or your age); others can be changed (cigarette smoking), while some are still unknown. Risk factors are cumulative – the more risk factors you have, the higher your risk of developing a myriad of diseases. Therefore, the goal of prevention is to identify and lower the risk factors that can be changed.So guys, it helps to:
  • Have a regular GP;
  • Have an annual check-up with your GP;
  • Know your body and what is normal for you;
  • Promptly check out any changes in your body with your GP; and
  • Know the health risks for your age group, and what to do to reduce them.

Health check

Your doctor can play a significant part in helping you to monitor your health through the ages by reviewing, checking and testing the following:

  • Family history
  • Height and weight
  • Blood pressure
  • Skin cancer check
  • Flu shot yearly
  • Pneumovax 5-yearly
  • Tetanus 10-yearly
  • Blood cholesterol and fat levels
  • Blood glucose levels

If there is a reason to delve a bit deeper, there are some further tests that may or may not be warranted:

  • Full blood examination
  • Kidney function
  • Liver function
  • Urine test
  • Hearing test
  • Eye test
  • Heart check (ECG)
  • Cardiac stress testing every 3 years
  • Bowel cancer screening: Yearly faecal occult blood test after the age of 50 if there is no family history.
  • Prostate cancer screening – talk to your GP and what is appropriate for you
  •  Research has shown that up to 80 per cent of cases of coronary heart disease, 90 per cent of type 2 diabetes cases and up to half of all cancers can be avoided by changing to a healthier diet, increasing physical activity, maintaining a healthy body weight and stopping smoking.

    Now, before you flick the page thinking you are going to be told to ban beer, or to swap meat pies for carrots and lentils (although they are good for you) or to switch off the TV and take up marathon running, don’t worry, you’re not about to be lectured – just informed. A healthy lifestyle is all about choices, finding the right balance between what you put into your body, what you do with your body and – perhaps most importantly – enjoying it.

    The three main ingredients required to lead a healthy lifestyle include:

    • 1. Eating a wide variety of nutritious foods
    • 2. Participating in physical activity and
    • 3. Maintaining a healthy weight.

    If you also cut out smoking and go easy on alcohol, you have made it. Right now you might be thinking of how you have neglected your health over the years and you may even be concerned that you have left your run a little too late. The good news it is it never too late to adopt healthy lifestyle habits.