First Aid at car Crashes

First Aid Training will be able to help you work through certain scenarios especially at car crashes. Is it time to get trained? Have you thought about attending a first aid training course to update your certification? Simple Instruction is taking bookings online through our fast and easy Allens Training new platform Training Desk for both HLTAID003 Provide First […]

Calls for all university students to learn first aid, as Red Cross warns majority of deaths could be prevented What a great article calling for more people to learn first aid. I would like to see the Australian Universities take a lead in this area by providing free first aid courses for all students as part of their courses regardless of the dicipline they are studying. Please remember that our emergency number is triple zero 000 or 112. […]

Every Parent should know CPR and First Aid

A mother has revealed how the first aid classes she took helped to save her son’s life when he stopped breathing. Rachel Taylor had just called an ambulance when 10-month-old Finnley turned blue after going into septic shock. Fortunately the 30-year-old was able to keep a calm head and performed the life-saving procedure until paramedics arrived. Her action saved her […]

Provide First Aid – Top Ten Tips

First aid is the life saving, critical help given to an injured or a sick person before medical aid arrives. This timely assistance, comprising of simple medical techniques, is most critical to the victims and is, often, life saving. Any layperson can be trained to administer first aid, which can be carried out using minimal equipments. Bleeding nose A nosebleed […]

HLTAID004 – Childcare First Aid Course – Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting

Do you think its time to complete the HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting? Learn all the important skills to save your child. Topics include: CPR Asthma Awareness Fracture management and skin injuries Anaphylaxis Control of external bleeding Medical Conditions A local mum has stressed the benefit of learning first aid after ‘one […]