Narrabeen Sports High School – Apply First Aid Certificate – Year 10 Program

On Friday the 26th of November 2010 year 10 and 11 students received an accredited Apply First Aid certificate. The students completed the course as part of the the after Year 10 School Certificate program, where students were required to learn how to respond to an emergency first aid situation.  The  Yr 10 and 11 students who participated in the course were very knowledgable and talented students who have gained a good understanding of their […]

Calling an Ambulance

What is a medical emergency? Always call triple zero (000) for an ambulance in the following circumstances. If you are unsure the operators will talk you through any situation. Unconscious person – who doesn’t wake or respond when shaken. Heart attack (suspected) – pain in the chest, especially if it is crushing or like indigestion and lasts more than five […]

Apply First Aid Course and Perform CPR, this weekend on the Northern Beaches. Saturday the 16/10/10 at the Brookvale Hotel.

Simple Instruction is conducting both it’s Apply First Aid (formerly called Senior First Aid) andPerform CPR training courses on Saturday the 16th of October, 2010, at the Brookvale Hotel / Pub on Sydney’s beautiful Northern Beaches. The Apply First Aid course will start at 10am and go until 4pm. While during the same day / course the Perform CPR refresher course will […]

Snake Bites and Spider Bites – The Children’s Hospital

Great information for people on the Northern Beaches or in fact anywhere. Can you save a life? Do you have the skills? When was the last time you completed a first aid or CPR course? Book into a First Aid or CPR training course with Simple Instruction today. This article is taken from . Please support the The Children’s Hospital at Westmead […]